Some Activism Emails Sent by the Yemeni Voice Since 2010




 -------- Forwarded Message -------- 




Sun, 16 Jun 2024 13:16: +0300


Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>



Dear Sir/Madam, 


The following is an explanation of the events in Yemen and also at the international level. I explain things as I see them while with limited movement and limited access to information, and under continuous electromagnetic torture and harassment. I am writing this and risking my safety.


 Note: Please pardon me for using some harsh words as they are necessary details.


Relevance of History:

It seems that history is about the attempt to control the human mind. The history of mind control is inextricably linked to spirituality and religion. It is also related to topics such as alcoholism, cannabis, narcotic drugs, tobacco, etc. It has also to do with the temperance movement, feminism, Communism, and the women's suffrage movement. Language permeates all forms of control and makes things often appear to be an exercise in self-defeat. Language and particularly names (through similarities between words, wordplay, etc.) are used extensively in mind control. The English language seems to have been deliberately designed for control and programming (e.g. the words sun and son). From a targeted individual's perspective, the basis of mind control in general and its computational programming is linguistic.


 Significance of Yemen:

Yemen is a wonderful country. It is true that Yemen is the origin of most, if not all, of the world's population, and it is the true cradle of humanity. However, criminals here are unfortunately original, and so is their cowardice.


Sun-worship originated in Yemen. The ruins of the Sun Temple are still standing in Marib, Yemen. From there, sun-worship spread to other countries. Queen Bilqis (Queen of Sheba, 10th century B.C.) was a wise woman. She quit sun-worship and believed in Allah. Her story with Prophet Sulaiman is described in Surat An-Naml in the Holy Quran. However, this should never be understood as an acceptance of any Jewish claims.


It seems that the sun-worship beliefs survived even after the advent of Islam mainly in the beliefs of the secretive sect of Isma’ili Shias. Queen Arwa al-Sulayhi (440-532 AH / 1048-1138) was one of their leaders. Her capital was the town of Jibla, near Ibb City, Yemen. Nowadays, Isma'ili Shias are mainly in Haraz area (Sana'a Governorate) 'Aras village (Ibb Governorate), and in some districts in Sa'dah Governorate. The sect thrived in Yemen, Egypt, and other places. In Syria, Salamiyah City is an important center for Isma'ili Shias. Their stronghold in India is the state of Gujarat.


A notorious group of the Ismaili Shias is the Order of Assassins (the Hashashin, meaning "users of hashish") from which the word assassin was derived.


Another active group of the Ismaili Shias are the Druze.


Ismaili Shias have proved to be influential in historical events and evolved into different sects and cults around the world. Although I am religiously tolerant, it seems that their beliefs have caused much suffering to humanity, because they claim that things are the same. They cite certain claims and ideas, for example:



Through pseudologic, they conclude that good is like bad and above is like below. For them, serving the people is like harming them, and therefore, in their view, there is no problem if they commit crimes and injustices. Their long-term programming is towards this idea for the purpose of control.


Sororities and Fraternities:

It was during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak that I started to notice the active role of female elements in harassment. After some research, I perceived that the female elements have a very detrimental role. The two centers of power are: the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Their beliefs can be traced back to the sun-worship Sabaean Kingdom in Ancient Yemen.


The transfer of beliefs can be verified through a linguistic route. The first writing system was Al-Musnad script (the Arabic script used in Ancient Yemen). It developed into the different writing systems like Phoenician and Greek. This opinion is asserted by philologists e.g. Max Müller. Furthermore, the Arabic language is the parent language of the Indo-European tree of languages. An English reference on this is:


T.A. Ismail's Classic Arabic as the Ancestor of Indo-European Languages and Origin of Speech.


Some even say that Arabic is the first language, and from Arabic all other families of languages developed. An English reference on this is:


Mohammad Ahmad Mazhar's Arabic: The Source of All the Languages (I would like to note that I have nothing to do with the author's sectarian affiliation).


The claim of sameness and arbitrariness is implied in the naming of the "Greek-lettered" sororities. "Greek-lettered" is a reference to the idea that the Greek alphabets have changed from Classical Greek to Modern Greek. It is also an allusion to the fact that from Al-Musnad script came different writing systems. The same claim supposedly applies to language itself.


Earlier, I had been aware of the clout of the secret (predominantly male) fraternities such as Freemasonry. I think that the secret sororities and fraternities share the same beliefs and they complement each other. However, the system seems to be a matriarchal hierarchy. I am not a misogynist. However, some women have proved to be "supercriminals". The male elements are pathologically criminal and megalomaniac, and at the same time they are dirty tools and cowards. From new information, it seems that those pathetic criminals (the male elements) are cuntrolled by the Chinese government. Thus, the Chinese government can be described as "the unexpected bot-minded monster".


About Qatar and Oil:

It seems that Qatar is a recently created country. Examining the historical maps drawn for the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar appears only in the 19th century. It means that Qatar was established by reclamation of the Gulf waters. The Qatar conspiracy leads immediately to the oil conspiracy and its use as a trance-formation weapon. Now, it is very reasonable that the oil reserves in the Gulf are not natural. Some reports say that the petroleum is made through Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) by processing wastewater in boilers, and is then tunneled across the Gulf. There should be an investigation into the source of oil. It seems that the source of oil is also the source of the petroleum-based terrorism.


Qatar is used as an indicator, a compass, or a control base in international politics. The name Qatar is suggestive as its root in Arabic is related to the word (قطار) that means "train" in English. It is also related to other words that mean "entrain" and "tow". Primarily, it seems to be a word derived as a wordplay of the Quranic word that means "molten copper". As I understand, it is not permissible to use words taken or derived from the Holy Quran for the purpose of oppressing people.


Al-Qaeda and Terrorism:

The World Government is a terrorist regime using technological means to terrorize the people for the purpose of control. It sponsors terrorism and terrorist organizations. It seems that those who attacked Makkah in 317 AH / 929 are the ones who are sponsoring terrorism nowadays. It was terrorism against Islam by the Qarmatians, an Isma'ili Shia group who claimed to be Muslims.


Here are some linguistic notes about the word Al-Qaeda (Arabic: القاعدة; Arabic pronunciation /ʔʌlqæʕɪdʌh/ is derived from the plural form Al-Qawaed (القواعد) mentioned in the Holy Quran with the meaning "elderly women". Another meaning of Al-Qaeda is "foundation, basis, or base" mentioned also in the Holy Quran in the plural form.  Another meaning of Al-Qaeda is "the rule". The Arabic word resembles words e.g. Al-Qaeda (القائدة; /ʔʌlqæʔɪdʌh /) meaning "female leader" and Al-Kaeda (الكائدة; /ʔʌlkæʔɪdʌh/) meaning "female schemer".


The Authorities in Yemen:

The pre-2011 regime is still controlling Yemen. In the Houthi-controlled areas, they are disguised as Houthis, and in other areas, they have different labels. However, the Deep State (the female elements) has surfaced.  To be exact, those who rule Yemen are female elements (demon-possessed criminals) and male elements (euphemistically described as "human hyenas") in the family of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and other ruling class families. The rulers deal with Yemen as a privately-owned farm, while they are dirty tools for external parties.


The female elements have a network that covers every household. This is somehow similar to Sweden's Ulrica Arfvidsson who had a device and a wide network of informers in households. The male elements have a network but is less powerful. The system was already established, and the majority of the society were already recruited. The community members are dormant cells waiting for activation.


The female elements are connected regionally to the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) through the powerful Moza of Qatar. The male elements are connected regionally to the Freemasonic fraternities mainly through the UAE and Egyptian regimes.


War was like an imposed state of emergency, because war gives a pretext for the rulers to oppress people, blaming any difficulties on the war. When they are cornered, they resort to war. Locally, the state entered into the war mode. The military and security personnel turned into harassment groups in plainclothes. The people were like military reserves, recruited into the harassment groups so that most of the society became members of the harassment groups. From outside, there were military aggression, airstrikes, bombardment, etc. There were also personnel at the frontlines just for media propaganda and for targeting civilians. It was a wide-scale intensive harassment operation that is still going on.


War is a Game but Suffering is Real:

For the rulers, war is a game. Most of the so-called fatalities in the war are perhaps faked deaths like COVID-19 deaths. Some of them are relocated somewhere else to be members in harassment groups in other communities abroad. Some are reported among the death toll but haven't relocated, and are still alive in their places. Ali Abdullah Saleh's "tragic death" is probably a dramatic retreat from political life.  I have met a man whose picture I had seen posted in public as a martyr. Yet, even if the fatalities are fake news, the suffering is real.


Criminal Tactics Used to Control the People During the War:

The main method of control is electromagnetic mind control. However, there are the additional techniques of control and harassment. They use intimidation and temptation as well:



Was the War Waged to Save Oil Economy and Ensure Power Inheritance?

According to some reports, there was an agreement between the females and their male counterparts to let them officially reinstall the regime in power and, at the same time, give them a share of the petroleum in order to save the oil economy. They stipulated that a war be waged on Yemen. It was a necessary move for cleanup. The war would depopulate the country through enforced displacement and create an atmosphere of distress to make the people yearn for the old days, and the petroleum share would ensure some sort of economic prosperity to trance-form the people for some time. Concerning mind control technologies and weapons, they would continue to operate. Then the 2015 war was waged, but the regime was not reinstalled in power. After delays, the females stipulated that the former president disappear from the scene to satisfy opponents and draw sympathy so that power is passed down to his son. Then he retreated dramatically from the political life, but the females did not install his son in power.


I think the main goal of the war was to cover up the mind control technologies and weapons. The oil economy is important, but it is auxiliary. It seems that mind control technologies and weapons have been used at least since the official discovery of electromagnetic waves, i.e., the 19th century. At least since then, most of the wars and conflicts have been waged to cover up the secret of mind control technologies and weapons. Whenever there was an effort to publicize that secret, a crisis was invented for cover-up, distraction, and/or intimidation. It is an overreaction that shows the vitality of such weapons for the World Government, the fragility of its structure, and the weakness of the criminals.



Like other forms of invented crises, pandemics are used to create a state of emergency because, like in a conflict, the rulers find a pretext to impose restrictions on the people. Invented health crises are meant to terrify the people for the purpose of control. It is an application of the statement that says, "keep them stressed and insecure," because when people are stressed and feel insecure, they are more controllable. Such crises make them think of the possibility of losing life, and then they may get coercively persuaded and convinced that the governmental procedures and restrictions are the lesser of two evils. However, inventing such crises is an act of terrorism.  


The Financial System Vs. the Oil Industry:

It is reported that the greedy bankers are making money from thin air. Now, I think that money, as it is used today, is a representation of wealth. It is not wealth in itself, because it is either paper, electronic, etc. The emergence of crytpocurrencies seems to be the revolution of the last decade (The Crypto Revolution). It actually started in 2008. Generally speaking, money is a regulatory mechanism to facilitate trade and commercial transactions among people and countries. If there is no mind control, people can agree on the regulation of their financial affairs in a fair manner.


Some say that the petroleum industry is female-dominated while the financial system is male-dominated, and each side is trying to bring the other under their control. If this is authentic, then it is a farce and patent idiocy. Concerning fuel, there is enough fuel. People need to be affordably provided with the portable boiler and refinery technology or the more efficient energy alternatives. The oil industry alone could have solved the problems of hunger and poverty especially in the remote areas. This is not meant to distract attention from the importance of the financial system.



In a free world, people must be free. They cannot be free while they are captives in an electromagnetic concentration camp, and the electromagnetic mind control technologies and weapons are used against them remotely and deniably. They suffer captivity, torture, and harassment which are forms of terrorism. It must be emphasized that mind control technologies and weapons are the main weapons of enslavement and terrorism.


As a citizen and a targeted individual, I think priority is for freeing the people by either stopping the use of mind control technologies and weapons or by providing effective protections for the people. Only then can people think properly and with freewill. Then let the people decide what is useful for them. Many of the problems can be solved smoothly. If mind control technologies and weapons are not stopped, or if people are not effectively protected, cycles of trance-formation would recur indefinitely.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen










Note: The email has been closed by Google.  




- C.V.

- Academic Certificates.

- Some Professional Certificates, Certificates of Recognition, and Other Documents.

- Case Summary.

- Believe It or Not: This Happens in Yemen.

- Documents Related to Labor Lawsuit.

- When The Oil Runs Out.

- The Taxi Lecture.

- Some Email Activism Messages.

- Forum Site Postings of Translated Article.

- Some of My Sana'a University Ph.D. Scholarship Procedure Documents.

- Ph.D. Proposal Drafts.

- Ph.D. Thesis Draft.

- Research Paper Draft.

- Passport.

- Some Travel Tickets.


Attachments Link:






-------- Forwarded Message --------

Subject:           YEMEN: VERY URGENT CALL

Date:               Mon, 5 Feb 2024 03:46:02 +0300

From:             Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <<



Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (technological, military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the China-controlled Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen











Note: The email has been closed by Google.  





---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Date: Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 1:16 PM


To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


The following is an explanation of the events in Yemen and also at the international level. I explain things as I see them while with limited movement and limited access to information, and under continuous electromagnetic torture and harassment. I am writing this and risking my safety.


Note: Please pardon me for using some harsh words as they are necessary details.


Relevance of History:

It seems that history is about the attempt to control the human mind. The history of mind control is inextricably linked to spirituality and religion. It is also related to topics such as alcoholism, cannabis, narcotic drugs, tobacco, etc. It has also to do with the temperance movement, feminism, Communism, and the women's suffrage movement. Language permeates all forms of control and makes things often appear to be an exercise in self-defeat. Language and particularly names (through similarities between words, wordplay, etc.) are used extensively in mind control. The English language seems to have been deliberately designed for control and programming. From a targeted individual's perspective, the basis of mind control in general and its computational programming is linguistic.


Significance of Yemen:

Yemen is a wonderful country. It is true that Yemen is the origin of most, if not all, of the world's population, and it is the true cradle of humanity. However, criminals here are unfortunately original, and so is their cowardice.


Sun-worship originated in Yemen. The ruins of the Sun Temple are still standing in Marib, Yemen. From there, sun-worship spread to other countries. Queen Bilqis (Queen of Sheba, 10th century B.C.) was a wise woman. She quit sun-worship and believed in Allah. Her story with Prophet Sulaiman is described in Surat An-Naml in the Holy Quran. However, this should never be understood as an acceptance of any Jewish claims.


It seems that the sun-worship beliefs survived even after the advent of Islam mainly in the beliefs of the secretive sect of Isma’ili Shias. Queen Arwa al-Sulayhi (440-532 AH / 1048-1138) was one of their leaders. Her capital was the town of Jibla, near Ibb City, Yemen. Nowadays, Isma'ili Shias are mainly in Haraz area (Sana'a Governorate) 'Aras village (Ibb Governorate), and in some districts in Sa'dah Governorate. The sect thrived in Yemen, Egypt, and other places. In Syria, Salamiyah City is an important center for Isma'ili Shias. Their stronghold in India is the state of Gujarat.


A notorious group of the Ismaili Shias is the Order of Assassins (the Hashashin, meaning "users of hashish") from which the word assassin was derived.


Another active group of the Ismaili Shias are the Druze.


Ismaili Shias have proved to be influential in historical events and evolved into different sects and cults around the world. Although I am religiously tolerant, it seems that their beliefs have caused much suffering to humanity, because they claim that things are the same. They cite certain claims and ideas, for example:


-                      "Arbitrariness" of language.

-                      "Arbitrariness" of languages and dialects, since a concept can be represented with different sounds in different languages and dialects.

-                      "Arbitrariness" of the writing systems (alphabets), since the same word can be represented in different letters in different writing systems. There is also the claim of "arbitrariness" within the same language, since a word can be represented in different writing styles (calligraphy).

-                      "Arbitrariness" of calendars and timing, since there are different calendars and different segmentations and names for the time measurement units. This applies also to other units of measurement.

-                      "Arbitrariness" of religious laws and laws in general, since there are different laws for religions and even within the same religion (different schools of jurisprudence).

-                      Relativity of things and concepts: For example, something might be "bad" but it is "better" than something "worse" than it, and so on and so forth.

-                      Relativity of colors: The different shades of colors. Orange is reddish yellow; Tyrian purple is reddish purple, maroon is brownish red, etc.

-                      Relativity of directions and locations: something might be "north" to something, but at the same time it is "south" to something else, and so on and so forth.


Through pseudologic, they conclude that good is like bad and above is like below. For them, serving the people is like harming them, and therefore, in their view, there is no problem if they commit crimes and injustices. Their long-term programming is towards this idea for the purpose of control.


Sororities and Fraternities:

It was during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak that I started to notice the active role of female elements in harassment. After some research, I perceived that the female elements have a very detrimental role. The two centers of power are: the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Their beliefs can be traced back to the sun-worship Sabaean Kingdom in Ancient Yemen.


The transfer of beliefs can be verified through a linguistic route. The first writing system was Al-Musnad script (the Arabic script used in Ancient Yemen). It developed into the different writing systems like Phoenician and Greek. This opinion is asserted by philologists like Max Müller. Furthermore, the Arabic language is the parent language of the Indo-European tree of languages. An English reference on this is:


T.A. Ismail's Classic Arabic as the Ancestor of Indo-European Languages and Origin of Speech.


Some even say that Arabic is the first language, and from Arabic all other families of languages developed. An English reference on this is:


Mohammad Ahmad Mazhar's Arabic: The Source of All the Languages (I would like to note that I have nothing to do with the author's sectarian affiliation).


The claim of sameness and arbitrariness is implied in the naming of the "Greek-lettered" sororities. "Greek-lettered" is a reference to the idea that the Greek alphabets have changed from Classical Greek to Modern Greek. It is also an allusion to the fact that from Al-Musnad script came different writing systems. The same claim supposedly applies to language itself.


Earlier, I had been aware of the clout of the secret (predominantly male) fraternities such as Freemasonry. I think that the secret sororities and fraternities share the same beliefs and they complement each other. However, the system seems to be a matriarchal hierarchy. I am not a misogynist. However, some women have proved to be "supercriminals". The male elements are pathologically criminal and megalomaniac, and at the same time they are dirty tools and cowards. From new information, it seems that those pathetic criminals (the male elements) are cuntrolled by the Chinese government. Thus, the Chinese government can be described as "the unexpected bot-minded monster".


About Qatar and Oil:

It seems that Qatar is a recently created country. Examining the historical maps drawn for the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar appears only in the 19th century. It means that Qatar was established by reclamation of the Gulf waters. The Qatar conspiracy leads immediately to the oil conspiracy and its use as a trance-formation weapon. Now, it is very reasonable that the oil reserves in the Gulf are not natural. Some reports say that the petroleum is made through Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) by processing wastewater in boilers, and is then tunneled across the Gulf. There should be an investigation into the source of oil. It seems that the source of oil is also the source of the petroleum-based terrorism.


Qatar is used as an indicator, a compass, or a control base in international politics. The name Qatar is suggestive as its root in Arabic is related to the word (قطار) that means "train" in English. It is also related to other words that mean "entrain" and "tow". Primarily, it seems to be a word derived as a wordplay of the Quranic word that means "molten copper". As I understand, it is not permissible to use words taken or derived from the Holy Quran for the purpose of oppressing people.


Al-Qaeda and Terrorism:

The World Government is a terrorist regime using technological means to terrorize the people for the purpose of control. It sponsors terrorism and terrorist organizations. It seems that those who attacked Makkah in 317 AH / 929 are the ones who are sponsoring terrorism nowadays. It was terrorism against Islam by the Qarmatians, an Isma'ili Shia group who claimed to be Muslims.


Here are some linguistic notes about the word Al-Qaeda (Arabic: القاعدة; Arabic pronunciation /ʔʌlqæʕɪdʌh/ is derived from the plural form Al-Qawaed (القواعد) mentioned in the Holy Quran with the meaning "elderly women". Another meaning of Al-Qaeda is "foundation, basis, or base" mentioned also in the Holy Quran in the plural form.  Another meaning of Al-Qaeda is "the rule". The Arabic word resembles words e.g. Al-Qaeda (القائدة; /ʔʌlqæʔɪdʌh /) meaning "female leader" and Al-Kaeda (الكائدة; /ʔʌlkæʔɪdʌh/) meaning "female schemer".


The Authorities in Yemen:

The pre-2011 regime is still controlling Yemen. In the Houthi-controlled areas, they are disguised as Houthis, and in other areas, they have different labels. However, the Deep State (the female elements) has surfaced.  To be exact, those who rule Yemen are female elements (demon-obsessed criminals) and male elements (euphemistically described as "human hyenas") in the family of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and other ruling class families. The rulers deal with Yemen as a privately-owned farm, while they are dirty tools for external parties.


The female elements have a network that covers every household. This is somehow similar to Sweden's Ulrica Arfvidsson who had a device and a wide network of informers in households. The male elements have a network but is less powerful. The system was already established, and the majority of the society were already recruited. The community members are dormant cells waiting for activation.


The female elements are connected regionally to the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) through the powerful Moza of Qatar. The male elements are connected regionally to the Freemasonic fraternities mainly through the UAE and Egyptian regimes.


War was like an imposed state of emergency, because war gives a pretext for the rulers to oppress people, blaming any difficulties on the war. When they are cornered, they resort to war. Locally, the state entered into the war mode. The military and security personnel turned into harassment groups in plainclothes. The people were like military reserves, recruited into the harassment groups so that most of the society became members of the harassment groups. From outside, there were military aggression, airstrikes, bombardment, etc. There were also personnel at the frontlines just for media propaganda and for targeting civilians. It was a wide-scale intensive harassment operation that is still going on.


War is a Game but Suffering is Real:

For the rulers, war is a game. Most of the so-called fatalities in the war are perhaps faked deaths like COVID-19 deaths. Some of them are relocated somewhere else to be members in harassment groups in other communities abroad. Some are reported among the death toll but haven't relocated, and are still alive in their places. Ali Abdullah Saleh's "tragic death" is probably a dramatic retreat from political life.  I have met a man whose picture I had seen posted in public as a martyr. Yet, even if the fatalities are fake news, the suffering is real.


Criminal Tactics Used to Control the People During the War:

The main method of control is electromagnetic mind control. However, there are the additional techniques of control and harassment. They use intimidation and temptation as well:


-                      Generous funding for the local warmongers by external parties.

-                      The revenues and levies available to the authorities during the war and conflict without oversight causing corruption at a large scale.

-                      The military aggression and airstrikes (airborne terrorism).

-                      The coordination of certain airstrikes, attacks, and invented crises for the purpose of harassment of targeted individuals because the majority have become members of harassment groups.

-                      The spread of diseases and epidemics, whether they are rumors or actual.

-                      The predatory role of the international relief organizations (international vultures).

-                      The predatory role of local vultures and profiteers.

-                      Distribution of relief assistance depending on loyalty.

-                      Violence and enforced displacement, internally and externally.

-                      Inventing fuel crises and rationing of propane gas through neighborhood chiefs.

-                      Buying loyalties (money, real estate, commercial businesses, grants, well-paid positions, studentships, work visas, citizenships of foreign countries, the distribution of cars brand new and insurance-auctioned cars reimported from the USA, etc.).

-                      Hostage-taking: Taking any of the family members or anyone dear to the person as a hostage to blackmail the person. It is widely used and it is effective. They are used like some sort of guarantees.

-                      Intimidation and blackmailing.

-                      The exploitation of patriotism and the patriotic discourse.

-                      The use of graffiti (sacred texts and religious statements).

-                      The exploitation of the religious discourse.

-                      Rumor-mongering and fear-mongering

-                      The recruitment of young people and child soldiers.

-                      Impoverishment and exploitation of poverty

-                      The counterproductive role of some Yemeni migrants particularly some of those in the USA.

-                      Starvation and famine.

-                      Envy and jealousy as negative emotions coaxed and exploited by the criminals.

-                      The use of zamils (popular exciting songs about warfare, resistance, etc.). It is a misapplication of an artistic genre.

-                      Forming belligerent factions and waging sham infowars among them to distract the public.

-                      The chewing of Qat, a stimulant plant with health and socioeconomic effects if not consumed moderately.

-                      The use of alcoholic beverages.

-                      The use of narcotic drugs including those added to dipping tobacco.

-                      The possible use of narcotic drugs in foodstuffs and water supplies either directly to the pipelines or through the tank-mounted trucks that supply most of the urban and suburban areas.

-                      Sexual favors.

-                      Immorality and sex wars at the subsurface level since war can be reduced to sex and violence. This also includes anal sex because the World Government is a Sodomic empire that systematically sponsors and encourages sodomy.

-                      Power outages. This makes things dark and unlit and allows for more harassment and crimes. Moreover, the repeated interruption of lighting affects the mind.


 Was the War Waged to Save Oil Economy and Ensure Power Inheritance?

According to some reports, there was an agreement between the females and their male counterparts to let them officially reinstall the regime in power and, at the same time, give them a share of the petroleum in order to save the oil economy. They stipulated that a war be waged on Yemen. It was a necessary move for cleanup. The war would depopulate the country through enforced displacement and create an atmosphere of distress to make the people yearn for the old days, and the petroleum share would ensure some sort of economic prosperity to trance-form the people for some time. Concerning mind control technologies and weapons, they would continue to operate. Then the 2015 war was waged, but the regime was not reinstalled in power. After delays, the females stipulated that the former president disappear from the scene to satisfy opponents and draw sympathy so that power is passed down to his son. Then he retreated dramatically from the political life, but the females did not install his son in power.


I think the main goal of the war was to cover up the mind control technologies and weapons. The oil economy is important, but it is auxiliary. It seems that mind control technologies and weapons have been used at least since the official discovery of electromagnetic waves, i.e., the 19th century. At least since then, most of the wars and conflicts have been waged to cover up the secret of mind control technologies and weapons. Whenever there was an effort to publicize that secret, a crisis was invented for cover-up, distraction, and/or intimidation. It is an overreaction that shows the vitality of such weapons for the World Government, the fragility of its structure, and the weakness of the criminals.



Like other forms of invented crises, pandemics are used to create a state of emergency because, like in a conflict, the rulers find a pretext to impose restrictions on the people. Invented health crises are meant to terrify the people for the purpose of control. It is an application of the statement that says, "keep them stressed and insecure," because when people are stressed and feel insecure, they are more controllable. Such crises make them think of the possibility of losing life, and then they may get coercively persuaded and convinced that the governmental procedures and restrictions are the lesser of two evils. However, inventing such crises is an act of terrorism.  


Financial System Vs. Oil Industry:

It is reported that the greedy bankers are making money from thin air. Now, I think that money, as it is used today, is a representation of wealth. It is not wealth in itself, because it is either paper, electronic, etc. The emergence of crytpocurrencies seems to be the revolution of the last decade (The Crypto Revolution). Generally speaking, money is a regulatory mechanism to facilitate trade and commercial transactions among people and countries. If there is no mind control, people can agree on the regulation of their financial affairs in a fair manner.


Some say that the petroleum industry is female-dominated while the financial system is male-dominated, and each side is trying to bring the other under their control. If this is authentic, then it is a farce and patent idiocy. Concerning fuel, there is enough fuel. People need to be affordably provided with the portable boiler and refinery technology or the more efficient energy alternatives. The oil industry alone could have solved the problems of hunger and poverty especially in the remote areas. This is not meant to distract attention from the importance of the financial system.



In a free world, people must be free. They cannot be free while they are captives in an electromagnetic concentration camp, and the electromagnetic mind control technologies and weapons are used against them remotely and deniably. They suffer captivity, torture, and harassment which are forms of terrorism. It must be emphasized that mind control technologies and weapons are the main weapons of enslavement and terrorism.


As a citizen and a targeted individual, I think priority is for freeing the people by either stopping the use of mind control technologies and weapons or by providing effective protections for the people. Only then can people think properly and with freewill. Then let the people decide what is useful for them. Many of the problems can be solved smoothly. If mind control technologies and weapons are not stopped, or if people are not effectively protected, cycles of trance-formation would recur indefinitely.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen














- C.V.

- Academic Certificates.

- Some Professional Certificates, Certificates of Recognition, and Other Documents.

- Case Summary.

- Believe It or Not: This Happens in Yemen.

- Documents Related to Labor Lawsuit.

- When the Oil Runs Out.

- The Taxi Lecture.

- Some Email Activism Messages.

- Forum Site Postings of Translated Article.

- Some of My Sana'a University Ph.D. Scholarship Procedure Documents.

- Passport.

- Some Travel Tickets.


Attachments Link:





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 10:51 AM
To: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be advised that, for committing crimes against humanity through the use of electromagnetic mind control and directed energy weapons against the people in Yemen and in other countries around the world, the following must be brought to trial:


1-     The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC).

2-     The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC).

3-     The Chinese government.

4-     The Freemasonic fraternities.

5-     The aforementioned entities' regional and local agents (the "dirty tools").


Attached are some relevant links and documents. I think that the information gathered constitutes a sufficient evidence to justify the commencement of legal proceedings. I appreciate your efforts to serve justice.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen















---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 3:16 PM

To: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (logistical, military, economic, financial, political, informational, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the China-controlled Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electerromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to firmly uphold the values of freedom, equality, JUSTICE, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen














---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 1:16 AM
To: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has adequate backing and capabilities (agricultural, industrial, military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the China-controlled Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen















---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Date: Sat, Jan 7, 2023 at 1:16 AM

To: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has adequate backing and capabilities (financial, agricultural, industrial, military, economic, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the China-controlled Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen















---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <

Date: Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 6:16 AM


To: yemenivoice2010 <


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (logistical, military, economic, financial, political, informational, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the China-controlled Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electerromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to firmly uphold the values of freedom, equality, JUSTICE, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen















---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Date: Mon, Jan 1, 2023 at 6:16 AM


To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the China-controlled Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen















---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 1:16 AM
To: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has adequate backing and capabilities (agricultural, industrial, military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 1:30 PM

Subject: Yemen and Mind Control

To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


The following is an explanation of the events in Yemen and also at the international level. I explain things as I see them while with limited movement and limited access to information, and under continuous electromagnetic torture and harassment. I am writing this and risking my safety.


Note: Please pardon me for using some harsh words as they are necessary details.


Attachments: My Case Summary, my C.V., and some messages I sent to international entities and personalities 


Relevance of History:

It seems that history is about the attempt to control the human mind. The history of mind control is inextricably linked to spirituality and religion. It is also related to topics such as alcoholism, cannabis, narcotic drugs, tobacco, etc. It has also to do with the temperance movement, feminism, Communism, and the women's suffrage movement. Language permeates all forms of control and makes things often appear to be an exercise in self-defeat. Language and particularly names (through similarities between words, wordplay, etc.) are used extensively in mind control. The English language seems to have been deliberately designed for control and programming. From a targeted individual's perspective, the basis of mind control in general and its computational programming is linguistic.


Significance of Yemen:

Yemen is a wonderful country. It is true that Yemen is the origin of most, if not all, of the world's population, and it is the true cradle of humanity. However, criminals here are unfortunately original and so is their cowardice.


Sun-worship originated in Yemen. The Sun Temple is still standing in Marib, Yemen. From there, sun-worship spread to other countries. Queen Bilqis (Queen of Sheba, 10th century B.C.) was a wise woman. She quit sun-worship and believed in Allah. Her story with Prophet Sulaiman is described in Surat An-Naml in the Holy Quran. However, this should never be understood as an acceptance of any Jewish claims.


It seems that the sun-worship beliefs survived even after the advent of Islam mainly in the beliefs of the secretive sect of Isma’ili Shias. Queen Arwa al-Sulayhi (440-532 AH / 1048-1138) is reported to have been one of their leaders. Her capital was the town of Jibla, near Ibb City, Yemen. Nowadays, Isma'ili Shias are mainly in Haraz area (Sana'a Governorate) and 'Aras village (Ibb Governorate). The sect thrived in Yemen, Egypt, and other places. In Syria, Salamiyah City is an important center for Isma'ili Shias. Their stronghold in India is the state of Gujarat.


A notorious group of the Ismaili Shias is the Order of Assassins (the Hashashin, meaning "users of hashish") from which the word assassin was derived.


Another active group of the Ismaili Shias are the Druze.


Ismaili Shias have proved to be influential in historical events and evolved into different sects and cults around the world. Although I am religiously tolerant, it seems that their beliefs have caused much suffering to humanity, because they claim that things are the same. They cite certain claims and ideas, for example:


-                      "Arbitrariness" of language.

-                      "Arbitrariness" of languages and dialects, since a concept can be represented with different sounds in different languages and dialects.

-                      "Arbitrariness" of the writing systems (alphabets), since the same word can be represented in different letters in different writing systems. There is also the claim of "arbitrariness" within the same language, since a word can be represented in different writing styles (calligraphy).

-                      "Arbitrariness" of calendars and timing, since there are different calendars and different segmentations and names for the time measurement units. This applies also to other units of measurement.

-                      "Arbitrariness" of religious laws and laws in general, since there are different laws for religions and even within the same religion (different schools of jurisprudence).

-                      Relativity of things and concepts: For example, something might be "bad" but it is "better" than something "worse" than it, and so on and so forth.

-                      Relativity of colors: The different shades of colors. Orange is reddish yellow; Tyrian purple is reddish purple, maroon is brownish red, etc.

-                      Relativity of directions and locations: something might be "north" to something, but at the same time it is "south" to something else, and so on and so forth.


Through pseudo-logic, they conclude that good is like bad and above is like below. For them, serving the people is like harming them, and therefore, in their view, there is no problem if they commit crimes and injustices. Their long-term programming is towards this idea for the purpose of control.


Sororities and Fraternities:

It was during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak that I started to notice the active role of female elements in harassment. After some research, I perceived that the female elements have a very detrimental role. The two centers of power are: the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Their beliefs can be traced back to the sun-worship Sabaean Kingdom in ancient Yemen.


The transfer of beliefs can be verified through a linguistic route. The first writing system was Al-Musnad script which was the Arabic script of the Yemeni tribes of Thamud, Saba', and Himyar. It developed into the different writing systems like Phoenician and Greek. This opinion is asserted by philologists like Max Müller. Furthermore, the Arabic language is the parent language of the Indo-European family of languages. An English reference on this is:


T.A. Ismail's Classic Arabic as the Ancestor of Indo-European Languages and Origin of Speech.


Some even say that Arabic is the first language, and from Arabic all other families of languages developed. An English reference on this is:


Mohammad Ahmad Mazhar's Arabic: The Source of All the Languages (I would like to note that I have nothing to do with the author's sectarian affiliation).


The claim of sameness and arbitrariness is implied in the naming of the "Greek-lettered" sororities. "Greek-lettered" is a reference to the idea that the Greek alphabets have changed from Ancient Greek to Modern Greek. It is also an allusion to the fact that from Al-Musnad script came different writing systems. The same claim of arbitrariness supposedly applies to language itself.


Earlier, I had been aware of the clout of the secret (predominantly male) fraternities such as Freemasonry. I think that the secret sororities and fraternities share the same beliefs and they complement each other. However, the system seems to be a matriarchal hierarchy. I am not a misogynist. However, some women have proved to be "supercriminals". The male elements are pathologically criminal and megalomaniac and at the same time they are dirty tools and cowards.


About Qatar and Oil:

It seems that Qatar is a recently created country. Examining the historical maps drawn for the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar appears only in the 19th century. It means that Qatar was established by reclamation of the Gulf waters. The Qatar conspiracy leads immediately to the oil conspiracy and its use as a trance-formation weapon. Now, it is very reasonable that the oil reserves in the Gulf are not natural. Some reports say that the petroleum is made through Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) by processing wastewater in boilers, and is tunneled across the Gulf. There should be an investigation into the source of oil. It seems that the source of oil is also the source of petroleum-based terrorism.


Qatar is used as an indicator, a compass, or a control base in international politics. The name Qatar is suggestive as its consonantal root in Arabic is related to the word (قطار) that means "train" in English. It is also related to other words that mean "entrain" and "tow". Primarily, it seems to be a word derived as a wordplay of the Quranic word that means "molten copper". As I understand, it is non-permissible to use words taken or derived from the Holy Quran for the purpose of oppressing people.


Al-Qaeda and Terrorism:

The World Government is a terrorist regime using technological means to terrorize the people for the purpose of control. It sponsors terrorism and terrorist organizations. It seems that those who attacked Makkah in 317 AH / 929 are the ones who are sponsoring terrorism nowadays. It was terrorism against Islam by an Isma'ili Shia sect who claimed to be Muslims.


Here are some linguistic notes about the word Al-Qaeda (Arabic: القاعدة; Arabic pronunciation /ʔʌlqæʕɪdʌh/ is derived from the plural form Al-Qawaed (القواعد) mentioned in the Holy Quran with the meaning "elderly women". Another meaning of Al-Qaeda is "foundation, basis, or base" mentioned also in the Holy Quran in the plural form.  Another meaning of Al-Qaeda is "the rule". The Arabic word resembles words e.g. Al-Qaeda (القائدة; /ʔʌlqæʔɪdʌh /) meaning "female leader" and Al-Kaeda (الكائدة; /ʔʌlkæʔɪdʌh/) meaning "female schemer".


The Authorities in Yemen:

The pre-2011 regime is still controlling Yemen. In the Houthi-controlled areas, they are disguised as Houthis, and in other areas, they have different labels. However, the Deep State (the female elements) has surfaced.  To be exact, those who rule Yemen are female elements (demon-obsessed criminals) and male elements (euphemistically described as "human hyenas") in the family of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and other ruling class families. The rulers deal with Yemen as a privately-owned farm, while they are dirty tools for external parties.


The female elements have a network that covers every household. This is somehow similar to Sweden's Ulrica Arfvidsson who had a device and a wide network of informers in households. The male elements have a network but is less powerful. The system was already established, and the majority of the society were already recruited. The community members are dormant cells waiting for activation.


The female elements are connected regionally to the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) through the powerful Moza of Qatar. The male elements are connected regionally to the Freemasonic fraternities mainly through the UAE and Egyptian regimes.


War was like an imposed state of emergency, because war gives a pretext for the rulers to oppress people, blaming any difficulties on the war. When they are cornered, they resort to war. Locally, the state entered into the war mode. The military and security personnel turned into harassment groups in plainclothes. The people were like military reserves, recruited into the harassment groups so that most of the society became members of the harassment groups. From outside, there were military aggression, airstrikes, bombardment, etc. There were also personnel at the frontlines just for media propaganda and for targeting civilians. It was a wide-scale intensive harassment operation that is still going on.


War is a Game but Suffering is Real:

For the rulers, war is a game. Most of the so-called casualties in the war are perhaps faked deaths like COVID-19 deaths. Some of them are relocated somewhere else to be members in harassment groups in other communities abroad. Some are reported among the casualties but haven't relocated and are still alive in their places. Ali Abdullah Saleh's "tragic death" is probably a dramatic retreat from political life.  I have met a man whose picture I had seen posted in public as a martyr. Yet, even if the casualties are fake news, the suffering is real.


Criminal Tactics Used to Control the People During the War:

The main method of control is electromagnetic mind control. However, there are the additional techniques of control and harassment. They use intimidation and temptation as well:


-                      Generous funding for the local warmongers by external parties.

-                      The revenues and levies available to the authorities during the war and conflict without oversight causing corruption at a large scale.

-                      The military aggression and airstrikes (airborne terrorism).

-                      The coordination of certain airstrikes, attacks, and invented crises for the purpose of harassment of targeted individuals because the majority have become members of harassment groups.

-                      The predatory role of the international relief organizations (international vultures).

-                      The predatory role of local vultures and profiteers.

-                      Distribution of relief assistance depending on loyalty.

-                      Violence and enforced displacement, internally and externally.

-                      Inventing fuel crises and rationing of propane gas through neighborhood chiefs.

-                      Buying loyalties (money, real estate, checks, well-paid positions, the distribution of cars brand new and insurance auctioned cars reimported from the USA, etc.).

-                      Hostage-taking: Taking any of the family members or anyone dear to the person as a hostage to blackmail the person. It is widely used and effective. They are used like some sort of guarantees.

-                      Intimidation and blackmailing.

-                      The exploitation of patriotism and patriotic discourse.

-                      The use of graffiti (sacred texts and religious statements).

-                      The exploitation of the religious discourse.

-                      Rumor-mongering and fear-mongering

-                      The recruitment of young people and child soldiers.

-                      Impoverishment and exploitation of poverty

-                      The counterproductive role of some Yemeni migrants particularly some of those in the USA.

-                      Starvation and famine.

-                      Envy and jealousy as negative emotions coaxed and exploited by the criminals.

-                      The use of zamils (popular exciting songs about warfare, resistance, etc.). It is a misapplication of an artistic genres.

-                      Forming belligerent factions and waging sham infowars among them to distract the public.

-                      The chewing of Qat, a stimulant plant with health and socioeconomic effects if not consumed moderately.

-                      The use of alcoholic beverages.

-                      The use of narcotic drugs including those adding to dipping tobacco.

-                      The possible use of narcotic drugs in foodstuffs and water supplies either directly to the pipelines or through the tank-mounted trucks that supply most of the urban and suburban areas.

-                      Sexual favors.

-                      Immorality and sex wars at the subsurface level since war can be reduced to sex and violence. This also includes anal sex because the World Government is a Sodomic empire that systematically sponsors and encourages sodomy.

-                      Power outages. This makes things dark and unlit and allows for more harassment and crimes. Moreover, the repeated interruption of lighting affects the mind.


Was the War Waged to Save Oil Economy and Ensure Power Inheritance?

According to some reports, there was an agreement between the females and their male counterparts to let them officially reinstall the regime in power and, at the same time, give them a share of the petroleum in order to save the oil economy. They stipulated that a war be waged on Yemen. It was a necessary move for cleanup. The war would depopulate the country through enforced displacement and create an atmosphere of distress to make the people yearn for the old days, and the petroleum share would ensure some sort of economic prosperity to trance-form the people for some time. Concerning mind control technologies and weapons, they would continue to operate. Then the 2015 war was waged but the regime was not reinstalled in power. After delays, the females stipulated that the former president disappear from the scene to satisfy opponents and draw sympathy so that power is passed down to his son. Then he retreated dramatically from the political life, but the females did not install his son in power.


I think the main goal of the war was to cover up the mind control technologies and weapons. The oil economy is important, but it is auxiliary. It seems that mind control technologies and weapons have been used at least since the official discovery of electromagnetic waves, i.e., the 19th century. At least since then, most of the wars and conflicts have been waged to cover up the secret of mind control technologies and weapons. Whenever there was an effort to publicize that secret, a crisis was invented for cover-up, distraction, and/or intimidation. It is an overreaction that shows the vitality of such weapons for the World Government, the fragility of its structure, and the weakness of the criminals.



Like other forms of invented crises, pandemics are used to create a state of emergency because, like in a conflict, the rulers find a pretext to impose restrictions on the people. Invented health crises are meant to terrify the people for the purpose of control. It is an application of the statement that says, "keep them stressed and insecure," because when people are stressed and feel insecure, they are more controllable. Such crises make them think of the possibility of losing life, and then they may get coercively persuaded and convinced that the governmental procedures and restrictions are the lesser of two evils. However, inventing such crises is an act of terrorism.  


Financial System Vs. Oil Industry:

It is reported that the greedy bankers are making money from thin air. Now, as I understand it, money as it is used today is a representation of wealth. It is not wealth in itself, because it is either paper, electronic, etc. Therefore, it is a regulatory mechanism to facilitate trade and commercial transactions among people and countries. If there is no mind control, people can agree on the regulation of their financial affairs in a fair manner.


Some say that the petroleum industry is female-dominated while the financial system is male-dominated, and each side is trying to bring the other under their control. If this is authentic, then it is a farce and patent idiocy. Concerning fuel, there is enough fuel. People need to be affordably provided with the boiler technology or the more efficient energy alternatives. Concerning their financial affairs, they can agree on a mechanism that facilitates their transactions. 



In a free world, people must be free. They cannot be free while they are captives in an electromagnetic concentration camp, and the electromagnetic mind control technologies and weapons are used against them remotely and deniably. They suffer captivity, torture, and harassment which are forms of terrorism. It must be emphasized that mind control technologies and weapons are the main weapons of enslavement and terrorism.


As a citizen and a targeted individual, I think priority is for freeing the people by either stopping the use of mind control technologies and weapons or providing effective protections for the people. Only then can people think properly and with freewill. Then let the people decide what is useful for them. Many of the problems can be easily solved. If mind control technologies and weapons are not stopped or people are not effectively protected, cycles of trance-formation would recur indefinitely.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen


Attachments link: (





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 1:16 PM
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (medical, logistical, informational, military, economic, financial, political, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


From the evidence gathered, it seems that the two entities with a powerfully detrimental influence, both in the USA and globally, are the National Panhellenic Conference and the National Pan-Hellenic Council. There are other entities such as the Freemasonic fraternities, but they are comparatively less detrimental.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen


Shaker Al-Molsi

Sana'a, Yemen




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 1:48 PM
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (logistical, military, economic, financial, political, informational, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electerromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to firmly uphold the values of freedom, equality, JUSTICE, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 2:31 PM
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict, famine, and suffering in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis, and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


Heavily depending on scheming and deceit, this worldwide totalitarian regime is also using dangerous weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world, which weapons are listed below:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to hunt down the criminals, hold them legally accountable, and uphold the values of integrity, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 4:03 PM
Subject: Yemen: Urgent Call
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby earnestly requested to uphold and instill the values of freedom, equality, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 5:27 PM
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis and achieve fair and sustainable peace, on the basis of the approved agreements. Instead, it intends to undermine peace, subvert justice, and perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby sincerely requested to support the values of accountability, justice, and transparency.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 4:10 PM
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Representative,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis and achieve fair and sustainable peace, based on the legally approved terms of reference, and in a friendly manner. Instead, it intends to deceptively perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electerromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby sincerely requested to safeguard the values of integrity, justice, and human rights.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 4:25 PM
Subject: Yemen: Urgent Call
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, informational, logistical, etc.), it does not want to resolve this unprecedented crisis and achieve fair and sustainable peace, based on the legally approved terms of reference. Instead, it intends to deceptively perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Electromagnetic mind control.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby sincerely requested to support the values of integrity, justice, and human rights.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen 





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 4:48 PM
Subject: Yemen: Urgent Call
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear AM,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, etc.), it does not want to resolve the crisis and achieve real and sustainable peace, based on the approved terms of reference. Instead, it intends to perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Mind control technology.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby kindly requested to support the values of justice and human rights.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 4:43 PM
Subject: Yemen: Urgent Call
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear MPS,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, etc.), it does not want to resolve the crisis and achieve real and sustainable peace, based on the approved terms of reference. Instead, it intends to perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Mind control technology.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby kindly requested to support the values of justice and human rights.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 2:51 PM
Subject: Yemen: Urgent Message
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear MP,


Please be informed that the World Government, led by the USA, has invented and orchestrated the current conflict in Yemen. Although it has the capabilities (military, economic, financial, political, etc.), it does not want to resolve the crisis and achieve real and sustainable peace. Instead, it intends to perpetuate the conflict to serve its own evil ends.


This worldwide totalitarian regime is also using the following secret weapons against the Yemeni people and other peoples around the world:


-          Directed energy weapons.

-          Mind control technology.

-          HAARP.


Therefore, you are hereby kindly requested to support the values of justice and human rights.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Subject: For Your Information 2
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam, 


Please be informed that what is happening in Yemen and other Arab countries is mainly caused by the electromagnetic weapons that are used for remote behavioral modification (mind control). The elite that rule the world (The World Government) and monopolize the resources (informational, financial, economic, technological, military, etc.) are responsible for what is happening in Yemen. However, their most significant and instrumental tool of subjugation is the mind control weapons. 


As you know, the impoverished country of Yemen is a district or rather a subdistrict of the extremely dictatorial and evil World Government. They are punishing/crushing the people through their various capabilities and also through their agents (officials and key personnel in governments). Moreover, they are making the violence-torn countries an example to terrorize and deter other people who aspire for freedom and justice. As I stated before, if I ever doubt anything, I NEVER doubt that the worst option for humanity is to surrender to the World Government criminals. 


I would like to thank you again and again for your valuable and heroic activism and advocacy. 


Best regards,




Sana'a, Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 1:55 PM
Subject: For Your Information
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir/Madam,


The details below are for your information (They are not meant for further distribution):

Name of Victim: Shaker Al-Molsi

Nationality: Yemeni

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Address: Sana'a, Yemen


Education: Bachelor of Education (English Studies), M.A. (English literature), currently a Ph.D researcher (literary/linguistic studies).

Occupation: Held different jobs including journalist, reporter, and editor in English-speaking newspapers. Worked as a translator and interpreter in an oil company. Got a teaching post at Sana'a University (Faculty of Arts & Humanities) on merit basis in 2010.


I started to know that I was a targeted individual in 2008. I was working in an oil company, and at the same time doing my MA. I suffered different forms of harassment and torture tactics including mind control, electromagnetically induced physical and mental torture, intimidation, blackmailing, workplace mobbing, media surveillance feedback, etc. It was indescribably painful, confusing, and dehumanizing.  Some of my close/distant relatives and friends were killed or seriously injured in ways that seemed to be natural, but it was made clear that the covert torturers had made that; those crimes were made to terrorize, intimidate, blackmail, and silence the victim.


I have now two daughters: the first one is six years old, and the second (actually the fourth) is almost seven months old. Two of my children were killed prenatally by the torturers. The alive children are still experiencing torture. The victim, due to his excellent academic record and as he managed to finish his M.A. in 2008, automatically received a post on merit basis in Sana'a University. However, he has always been experiencing harassive measures for the purpose of ruining his career and driving him insane. Remote torture has not stopped till this moment. This is at the personal level. There is also the national, regional and even international plights. The torturers are boasting about their wide-scale criminality by disrupting, destabilizing and crushing countries and whole peoples. (Ironically), they are using those crimes even to intimidate and blackmail me, claiming that I am the cause for some of them. I know it is part of their complicated deception tactics. 


The criminals must know that there will be a time when they will face what they deserve. They are too arrogant and shortsighted to learn lessons from the destinies of other tyrants/hitmen throughout history.


Let all people know the horrible crimes of the covert criminals and stand against them. The worst option for humanity is to surrender to those criminals. 


I would like also to seize this opportunity to express my thanks of your heroic activism.


Please accept my best regards.  


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 5:03 PM
Subject: Mind Control Used in Yemen Events
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Mind Control Used in Yemen Events




Dear Sir/Madam,


Please find below a short account of the events happening in Yemen (which is part of the so-called “Arab Spring”), in which cutting-edge techniques of psyops, infowars, propaganda, excessive force, and other totalitarian control measures have been used, with the US covert involvement. However, the most important tool used in these events is the neurological, psychotronic and mind control weapons. I would like to mention first the main results of these events, which are still in progress:


-         Thousands of civilians have been killed, including women and children;

-         Tens of thousands have been injured, many of them are in critical condition;

-         Thousands have been tortured;

-         Thousands have been arrested extrajudicially.

-         Thousands of civilians have been kidnapped, and their fate is unknown yet.

-         Numerous flagrant human rights violations;

-         Torturing a whole people and putting them in a state of slow death by deliberately depriving them of the basics such as water, food, electricity, fuel, etc.

-         Making great socioeconomic changes over a short period of time.


The Following are Milestones on the Yemeni Events Timeline:


1-                  The Yemeni "Revolution" started on Feb. 11, 2011, due to the events in Tunisia and Egypt. Millions of people took to the streets, participating in demonstrations and sit-ins all over the country, such as in the capital Sana’a, Aden, Taiz, Mukalla, Ibb, Hodeidah, Shabwah, Baydha, Mahrah, Sa'dah, etc. The demonstrations, protests and sit-ins have been peaceful, and called for a change in the regime, and introducing political, economic and social reforms.


2-                  On Feb. 20, 2011, the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) announced their support for the "Revolution" (The JMP is a coalition of the main opposition parties, regarded as a true opposition while they are a group of opportunist politicians, and their performance is manipulated to the disadvantage of the people). Their joining the "Revolution" was a step in the plan orchestrated by the US government to infiltrate the "Revolution", and that got clearer later.


3-                  Fri. Mar. 18, 2011, was a critical day and was known as the “Friday of Dignity,” when the masses of worshippers on Sana’a streets were machinegunned with cold blood by a group linked to the regime. As a result, 52 people were killed and hundreds injured (, (, ( That event was widely condemned and the regime was severely criticized. It seemed that the regime was in a real trouble after that “blow,” especially with the fact that Mar. 20, 2011, was officially announced as a national day of mourning for the victims and the Cabinet was dissolved. Moreover, the next day, Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ahmar (most influential Sheikh in Yemen, a member of the President’s family, and a traditional figure of the ruling class) joined the "Revolution", and many defections took place including high-level civil and military officials and ambassadors. One major event was General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar announcing his support for the "Revolution" on May 21, 2011. Ali Mohsen is a half-brother of President Saleh, a pillar of the regime, Commander of the North-West Military Area, Commander of the First Armored Division, and the prominent general in the previous Sa'adah/Houthi wars (a recurrent conflict manufactured for Yemen). His support was hailed as something good for the "Revolution" especially when the state-run media demonized him and considered him a defector. Yet, the fact is that his move was a trick to contain and infiltrate the protestors. Later, Ali Mohsen’s forces encircled the sit-in Square in Sana’a under the pretext of protecting them from any possible attack!


4-                  Amidst manufactured crises and feigned polarization between the elements of the ruling class for the purpose of controlling the people, the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) proposed an Initiative on Apr. 6, 2011, as part of its role dictated by the USA. The Initiative was not in the best interest of the Yemeni people  (, )، ( Nevertheless, the Initiative itself was not actually meant to be implemented. It was just a ploy to deceive the people, and win time. They have been making meetings and amendments over a long period of time. That ploy was managed cunningly with much political and media debates and battles (much ado about nothing). The political players did their parts skillfully towards this Initiative. First, the government accepted it; then President Saleh rejected it; then the JMP rejected it; later Ali Mohsen accepted it; after that, the JMP accepted it; then President Saleh accepted to sign it and later refused; and so on and so forth. It was reduced to a farce. Just google "Yemen GCC Initiative" and you will find the extent of the media hype. It is meant to distract people from the main issue and make them more desperate for a solution whatever it is, given the difficult situation they experience.


5-                  On May 22, 2011, the Yemen Reunification Anniversary, protesters nationwide, in the north and the south, showed solidarity with each other and vowed to stay the course. The ruling class was enraged. So, they manufactured a crisis. The next day, clashes erupted inside the capital city of Sana’a, in Al-Hasaba Area between President Saleh’s forces (the Army) on one side and the armed tribesmen of Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ahmar and his brothers on the other side. The clashes were intermittent and spanned a considerable period.  The media promoted that there was real clashes between the two sides. However, it was ordinary citizens who paid the cost of those clashes as they lost lives, homes and properties. Many of Sana’a residents were forced to flee, fearing that the conflict might spread further and that the civil war, which the regime warned of, might erupt. Many of the protesters in the sit-in camps left Sana’a to avoid being a "collateral damage". The sit-in camps were significantly emptied  ), ( Members of the ruling class were almost unaffected except for some superficial damages on some buildings which were necessary to make people believe that there were real disputes.


6-                  After this “war” had continued for some time and Al-Hasaba Area sustained much destruction, another trick was used in order to distract people’s attention from the previous miseries, for the purpose of inventing crises, winning time and terrorizing the people. That was the Presidential Compound Mosque Attack which took place on Fri. Jun. 3, 2011  (, which is still shrouded in mystery. This incident is important since many changes happened as a result of it, and people are still living its atmosphere; President Saleh who is reported to have been injured due to it is still abroad (in Saudi Arabia) for treatment. The media reports alleged that President Saleh was attacked when he was in the mosque, and that he and other senior officials were badly wounded. Some bodyguards were killed. Full and true details are not available now because of the lack of transparency. Yet, it can be safely said that the incident itself was deliberately staged by the USA in collaboration with the authority. Examining the official statements and the media coverage of the incident, we find different stories. At the beginning Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ahmar (who as we said is part of the ruling class) was charged; then opposition leaders were charged; later the ghost enemy Al-Qaeda was blamed; now they charge Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ahmar’s brother, Hamid. Moreover, numerous rumors about the incident were spread. The purpose was to mislead the people, create an atmosphere of uncertainty where suggestibility increases. Although the videos of President Saleh show him injured, all know that videos and photos can be fabricated easily (the recent Osama bin Laden hoax is an example). This incident is half-baked although an FBI delegation was sent to Yemen to add a touch of seriousness to the subject ( The results of investigations have not been revealed. However, the observer can see that the first TV appearance of President Saleh after the incident was on Jul. 7, 2011, and he was in a poor condition ( In his second TV appearance, only three days later, his condition was much more better  ) . In an appearance later, he was in his pre-incident condition ( This incident served the regime to a great extent. It made many people sympathize with President Saleh because he was “targeted” by his rivals in a place of worship and he “miraculously” escaped that. The attack also induced fear of the regime’s possible retaliation. An air of anticipation and anxiety has prevailed in the country during President Saleh’s treatment period, which was prolonged intentionally. People’s attention was drawn from the main issue of the “Revolution” towards insignificant issues such as the incident, President Saleh’s condition, officials’ conditions, identity of perpetrators, time of return from Saudi Arabia, etc. Firecrackers and gunshots would be fired heavily in the air from light, medium and heavy arms (as a gesture of celebration) from Army’s camps all over the country and by President Saleh’s advocates whenever there was news that he underwent a successful operation, delivered a radio speech or made a TV appearance. Many citizens were killed and properties damaged due to the bullets and rounds falling back, and millions of dollars from the Public Treasury were wasted in the air. That was a real show of terror for the majority of the people, let alone children and women. Here is a link showing an example of the impact      (


General Observations Regarding the Techniques and Tactics Used in These Events to Facilitate the Effects of the Neurological and Psychotronic Weapons in Controlling and Subjugating the People:


1-                  Coldblooded killing of protesters as in the massacre that happened on Sana’a Friday of Dignity, and as that which happened in the sit-in square in Taiz in which even handicapped people were burned alive, and 200 were killed. ( , (


2-                  Coldblooded killing of citizens and civilians as that which happened in Abyan when the army pulled out from an ammunition factory, was blown up and 121 civilians were killed  (, (


3-                  Manufacturing conflicts and clashes in Sana’a suburbs as in Nihm and Arhab areas that claimed the lives of many civilians, and threatening Sana’a residents with the risk of being attacked and looted by armed tribesmen.


4-                  Using tear gas and internationally banned chemical weapons against protesters such as nerve gas (, 


5-                  Killing people on daily basis, with the whole world watching the bloodshed.


6-                  Using the scarecrow of “Al-Qaeda in Abyan” (which is a USA/government-funded militia) whenever they want to serve their own ends (


7-                  Deliberately creating a state of lawlessness.


8-                  Military brigades were ordered to pull out from camps in certain areas and leaving behind their weapons for local tribesmen to invent crises.


9-                  Deploying thugs and bullies on the streets of cities.


10-              Buying loyalties, and bringing civilians and plainclothed soldiers and policemen to participate in the pro-regime demonstrations and marches, from remote areas and spending large amounts of money from the Public Treasury.


11-              Making defections, most of which are deceptive, from the government and the Army. Many defectors announce their support for the “Revolution” only to mix things up and undermine the People’s right to a better life.


12-              Introducing ineffective initiatives and solutions just for media consumption such as that introduced by the JMP  (


13-              Depending considerably on media deception locally and internationally, and waging media wars between the authority and the opposition to distract people with useless news, debates, venting and sensationalism.


14-              Infiltrating the sit-in camps and protest squares with secret service, promoting disputes among protesters and activists and dividing them into groups and coalitions.


15-              Causing disputes among people even at the level of the family, and creating a state of polarization amongst the ordinary citizens, exploiting them in conflicts in the interest of the members of the ruling class.


16-              Manufacturing economic crises, and selling fuel (which is available in sufficient quantities) in the black market under an unannounced official auspice, while the government gives publically a lame excuse: the main oil pipeline was sabotaged. The price of the 20-liter benzene container at the peak of the crisis increased eight times and now “decreased” to be sold officially at 3500 Yemeni Riyals, about 130% rise from the previous price of 1500 YR ),( This affects the majority of the people especially with the fact that the per capita is low and people are now living through the holy month of Ramadan during which they spending usually increases.


17-              Applying a policy of deliberate impoverishment and corruption. Losses of Yemeni economy was estimated officially to be 5 billion USD (


18-              Affecting the livelihood of many people as their shops and businesses are closed due to the political stalemate and the state-manufactured security instability, and due to the reduced or halted activity of many local and international companies and organizations.


19-              Dispatching delegations from the UN and USA only to support the regime, win time, and for other purposes, without any real intent on the part of the World Government to help the Yemeni people.


20-              The opposition recently formed an ineffective national council (،, improvised hastily and many of its members belong to the existing opposition structure which is an extension of the authority and an integral part of the ruling class, or from personalities included without their consent, who withdrew later. Thus, it appears that the formation of the National Council is just another political and media consumption stunt, circumventing the main issue, which is improving the seriously deteriorating condition of the majority of the people.


21-              A host of other techniques and tactics.


The Stance of the USA (as a leader of the New World Order) on the Events in Yemen:

Being the hidden occupier and actual ruler of Yemen, and the orchestrator of the events and manipulator of players (authority and opposition), the US role is clearly seen to be in the interest of the NWO, with prejudice to the basic rights of the Yemeni people. Run by the masters of deception and destruction, the US government attitude is obvious in the following instances:


1-                  On Feb. 18, 2011, President Obama expressed his concern about the violence in some Arab countries including Yemen


2-                  US Department of State Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, affirms US support for Yemen to disrupt Al-Qaeda  (


3-                  After the announcement of the GCC Initiative, the US government welcomed it)


4-                  On May 22, 2011, US Secretary of State expressed disappointment over Saleh’s not signing the GCC Initiative )


5-                  On May 25, 2011, President Obama said, "We call upon President Saleh to move immediately on his commitment to transfer power." )


6-                  On Jun. 3, 2011, the White House released a statement in which they condemned the attack on the Presidential Palace compound and condemned violence and called for compliance with the GCC Initiative (


7-                  Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman said on a visit to Sana'a on 23 June, "We expect the president to take a decision in the best interests of the Yemeni people. It is a Yemeni decision, not an American decision." )


8-                  On the field, the US intensified its airstrikes on “occupied/colonized” Yemen )


9-                  In his second TV appearance on Jul. 10, 2011, President Saleh met White House Chief Counterterrorism Advisor John Brennan, which can be read as a message of intimidation for Yemeni citizens. It was a message that the USA is supporting the regime. It is blackmail under the name of "terrorism fighting". Claiming to be the leader of democracy and human rights, the USA is actually the biggest hypocrite. It is interested only in the LIE it invented, promoted and believed, the so-called “terrorism”. It does not care about a people being exterminated under its auspices  )


10-              On Aug. 10, the US government was still carrying on with its "diplomatic" deception saying that it “wonders” why President Saleh did not sign the GCC Initiative )


11-              Recently, the US government has continued to promote untrue stories about Al-Qaeda in Yemen and that Al-Qaeda intends to make the deadly poison ricin. If that ever happened, it would be USA-made, as it happened on Sept. 11, 2001  )


I hereby appeal to you in the name of humanity to stand against the neurological, psychotronic and mind control weapons, and do whatever you can to put an end to these flagrant violations of human rights and the horrible crimes committed against peaceful communities by the NWO and its clients. Should you have any queries, I would be very pleased to respond to them.


Yours Faithfully,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Mon, May 30, 2011 at 5:55 PM
Subject: Notes About the Events in Arab Countries
To: yemenivoice2010 <>


To Whom It May Concern


Dear Sir/Madam


Please be advised that the current events happening in a number of Arab countries (the so-called Arab Spring) come within the New World Order schemes being applied using many tactics, most important of which is the mind control and neurological weapons. Those changes that have been happening (in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc.) are in the interest of the New World Order, with the USA in the lead. Below are some notes that show clearly that the changes were not spontaneous. They are a re-production of injustice and a mockery of human rights in the 21st Century.



The series of events started in Tunisia. It said that Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire on Dec. 17, 2010, in protest of the confiscation of his wares, and sparked a revolt that escalated dramatically and ended in the departure of the Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on Jan 14, 2011. The ouster of the president is a good thing since he was a dictator, but given the following facts, it seems that changes are superficial and not in the interest of the people:


-                      Hundreds of people were killed in injured.

-                      The regime is still the same, the same faces of the former regime are there, and they are politically active.

-                      The military is currently the real ruler: its leaders are those of Bin Ali era, and is under the control of the USA.

-                      A big loss to the Tunisian economy.

-                      Under the new regime, curfew is imposed and rights are also being confiscated, and torture is still used against citizens.

-                      More economic control by the New World Order under the guise of economic help for the “new democracies”.

-                      Sham democracy.

-                      The economic situation is still the same.

-                      Deliberate mass prison breaks to foster crime.

-                      Establishing the “scarecrow” of terrorism and promoting news about it.



After the ouster of the Tunisian president and his fleeing to the USA-ally Saudi Arabia, the spark shifted to the largest Arab country in terms of population. The Jan 25 Revolution erupted and Mubarak was forced to resign on Feb 11, 2011. Below are some notes signifying that the change was in the interest of the New World Order:


-                      Hundreds of people were killed and thousands were injured.

-                      The regime is still almost the same, despite trials of some officials.

-                      Ignition of the so-called “counter-revolution”.

-                      The military council, who is under the USA control, is the real ruler now.

-                      Rights are confiscated, issuing new laws against protest.

-                      Activists are tortured, harassed and court-martialed.

-                      Big losses to the Egyptian economy.

-                      Increased control of the Egyptian economy by the NOW under the guise of economic help from the West and USA-allies Gulf Countries.

-                      A period of lawlessness during which numerous crimes were committed.

-                      Thefts of priceless artifacts from museums and other places.

-                      Coaxing religious sedition.



After the resignation of Mubarak, the spark shifted to Libya on Feb. 15, 2011. It is said that the revolution is against Libyan dictator Al-Qaddafi while the results are in fact against the Libyan people, who were relatively more prosperous than other Arab countries. The following notes explain some facts:


-                      Tens of thousands were killed and injured.

-                      Division of Libya.

-                      Destruction of the infrastructure, facilities, and oil industry.

-                      Destruction of the defence forces.

-                      People are still tortured and human rights confiscated.

-                      NATO strikes, with so many NATO operations without real intention to help the Libyan people, but are perpetuating the conflict to achieve imperialistic goals.

-                      A big loss to Libyan economy.

-                      Affecting both Tunisia and Egypt since Libya is in between, thus creating a big area of crisis.



Now we come to the Yemeni Revolution. The spark of revolution came to Yemen (as in Libya) due to the events that had happened in both Tunisia and Egypt. It was sparked on Feb. 11, 2011. Many events have happened since then, but the situation is proceeding to the disadvantage of the impoverished people. Below are some facts:


-                      Hundreds have been killed and thousands injured, although it is a peaceful revolution.

-                      A big loss to the Yemeni economy.

-                      Activists are threatened, harassed and tortured.

-                      No real actions from the so-called “world leaders” to help the people. However, the USA role is just to perpetuate the crisis, and assign roles to its allies as in the Gulf Cooperative Council’s initiative, which is just a trick to deceive the people.

-                      After the dramatic “murder” of Al-Qaeda leader in Pakistan, and dropping him in an iron bag in the Arab Sea, the USA immediately stated that Al-Qaeda members were meeting in Aden and a drone attack took place in Abyan, in a futile attempt to make people in the West believe that, after Pakistan, Yemen is a safe haven for Al-Qaeda, and as a means for blackmailing.

-                      Promoting a policy conducive to civil war and sectarian conflict


Above are some examples of the changes that are portrayed to be spontaneous but they are induced. Similar events are happening in some other Arab countries. A more detailed investigation would reveal much more facts about the horrible situation. People indeed want their rights and are suffering under the yoke of USA-sponsored tyranny, but with the presence of the mind control and neurological weapons, changes are manipulated to serve the interest of the NWO and their clients. We appeal to you to spread the word and stand against the neurological/mind control weapons, and put an end to these flagrant human rights violations.


Yours Faithfully


A Voice from Yemen 




---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Date: Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:35 AM

Subject: Yemeni Blogger Nashwan Ghanem Committed Suicide

To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Yemeni Blogger Nashwan Ghanem Committed Suicide Due to Organized Stalking Activities and Electromagnetic Harassment


In mid October, 2010, Yemeni blogger and human rights activist Nashwan Ghanem committed suicide due to organized stalking activities and electromagnetic harassment. Having examined his blogs posthumously, I realized that he had suffered intensive organized stalking and electromagnetic harassment that forced him to death as a choice. The victim had described the organized stalking in his blogs. Some translated examples are the following:





Among his blogs, I found some which were, I think, translated for him into English. The following are some examples written here as they are:


"The authority had not exercised such a nefarious, such as pursuant to never do with my rights activist and writer blog!! More cases every day, whether the task is not to eliminate this power only on the life of this human rights activist, It is playing a very dirty and the worst methods used to achieve the object .And use all the pressure to have the papers, as well as exercise and a large-scale distortion to strike an alliance or solidarity with me! Crew did not stop the military patrols and not following me and all I have to say that it bears responsibility for what is happening to me".


He had sent appeals to human rights organizations including Amnesty International. Please see this page:


Nashwan was aware of these activities but he was wondering because they seem to be very strange and victims do not get support. He could describe them but could not name them. I believe that all this was done in coordination with the mind control/electromagnetic harassment which drove Nashwan to commit suicide with a rifle at his rural area after he was forced to leave the capital city of Sana'a due to covert harassment.  He did not know about this technology and therefore could only describe the apparent harassment that he saw.


Nashwan was a communications engineer and a Yemeni blogger, well-known in the blogging community. I knew about him some time after his death through a friend of mine and started to read his blogs. I tried to outline some instances of his torture whereas he mentioned many forms of harassment.


The increasing number of suicide cases in Yemen is very alarming and many of them are believed to be caused by covert harassment and torture.



The news story about his demise on the Yemeni famed online source almasdaronline (in Arabic):


Links to Nashwan’s own blogs:


Please help spread the word and stand with fellow victims.


Best Regards,


A Voice from Yemen






 ---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>

Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 8:16 AM

Subject: Links Regarding Surveillance, Mind Control and Torture in Yemen

To: yemenivoice2010 <>


Dear Sir / Madam,


Please find below some relevant links where you can find photos and more info regarding examples of some points mentioned in the first message. Please note that articles and materials are from mainstream media which do not reveal the real causes. If links do not open, please google the phrases/terms:


Natural disasters believed to be caused by geophysical weapons:

 Jabal Al-Tair earthquake and volcano eruption 


Al-Dhafeer Fatal Rockslide in Yemen:


Hadhramout floods in Yemen (the area is a desert province)


Suicide bombers believed to be mind-controlled:


Suicide bomber against Korean convoy


Suicide Bomber Al-Silwi


Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab's


Please take this subject into your consideration, and spread the word.


Best regards,


A Voice from Yemen





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yemeni Anti-MC Voice <>
Date: Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Surveillance Mind Control and Torture in Yemen
To: <>


Surveillance, Mind Control and Torture in Yemen


To Whom It May Concern


Dear Sir / Madam,


I am a Yemeni citizen. I would like to bring to your kind attention the fact that Yemen has become a big electronic concentration camp and a big rat lab.


Satellite-based and ground-based electromagnetic and neurological weapons are applied without restraint.


It is believed that the technology is US-owned and applied with the cooperation of local corrupt agencies against a large number of innocent citizens.


The above-mentioned technology is used for:


                   Mass mind control, for the purpose of perpetuating the status quo, the US-promised "creative anarchy".

                   Harassment, torture, abuse, etc.

                   Depriving decent people of their privacy and dignity and tarnishing their reputation.

                   Driving victims crazy and making them develop psychosis and psychological disorders.

                   Engineering the society in the short and long run in such a way as to serve the interests of higher class and most importantly the interests of imperialistic U.S.A.

                   Making Yemen as a source for sex slaves, child labor, child sex slaves, and organ trafficking, especially for neighboring wealthy sheikhdoms.

                   Doing all this covertly and subtly due to corrupt media (controlled and financed mainly by the US), which tries to misrepresent the facts, distort reality, magnify irrelevant insignificant issues, and present the country as a poor, remote, retarded country whose main problem is only traditional corruption.

                   Promoting corruption and crimes such as homicide and suicide.

                   Spreading immorality/pornography on a wide scale as a policy that helps in intoxicating and subjugating the population.

                   The manufacture of “Manchurian candidates”: terrorists and suicide bombers, most of whom are teenagers, in order to give a pretext to target the population/country overtly.

                   Making geophysical changes such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions and catastrophic rockslides.

                   Manipulating the climate, causing rainfalls, catastrophic floods, and draughts.

                   Causing diseases and killing people gratuitously, without justification. Most people do not suspect as causes appear to be natural without identifiable culprits and, in the meantime, there is an effective media black-out.

                   Conducting experiments on the population to refine the technology.

                   The recent West-announced interest in impoverished Yemen is a decades-old unholy relation becoming more apparent and perceivable.


I hereby appeal to your sense of humanity to spread the word and do whatever you can to alleviate the systematic torture of the victims and targeted population, most of whom do not know what is happening to them. I would like you to expose this international terrorism which knows no boundaries.



Yours faithfully,


A Voice from Yemen